Ed Sutryn
Ed Sutryn was my friend and fishing partner for many years. He developed the McMurray series of flys after his return from military service in WW-II. McMurray was the name of the town in Western PA in which Ed was living at that time.

What distinguished them from other flys was the construction. All of the series were constructed with bodies of cork or balsawood. Most of the bodies were strung onto a monofilament like material and it provided the method of attachment to the hook. He was granted a patent for this construction which can be seen here.

Ed later moved to Berks county in Eastern PA and was an active member and officer in the Berks Fly Tyers, a club that I also am affiliated with.

Ed was featured in several magazine articles; two I know of were articles by Art Lee in "Fly Fisherman" magazine. The first was the Summer Season 1981 issue (Volume 12, Number 6, page 54), the second was July 1983 issue (Volume 14, Number 5, page 32).

Another member/officer of the club, Rich Schappell made the following flys tied by Ed available to me for photographing.

Fish on old friend ... fish on.

Click here to see these flys
