Power dubbing, why not?

Hey, we've all got them laying around, gathering dust. Too weak to do their advertised job, why not put them to work doing something they can handle?

More scrap wood, some thick fun foam from the craft store, an old pencil stub and two cup hooks!

Here's the beginning. Glue a piece of foam to the board, screw in the cup hook. Cut a slit down the middle of the foam.

Make a loop of wire (or thread if you prefer) and bury one leg ( an old credit card helps ).

Lightly spread your dubbing over the length of wire. I don't use wax but you may if you desire. Just don't put down too much. The foam makes it easy to do.

Hook wire loop onto cup hook in power screwdriver and start driving. Those of you south of the equator be sure to turn in reverse direction.

Watch short video, yawn.

And here's the finished brush/pipe-cleaner. Nice to use wire. Nymphers use some weight I understand. And I like the subtle "flash" of the wire ... and it doesn't unwind, so I can make a bunch and store them. If you use thread you can tape them into binders as Big Jim Leisenring and Vernon Hidy did years ago. Should work great for furled leaders as well if you're into them.

C'mon baby ... let's do da' twist.