To prepare for a tapered abdomen, strip some of the fibers from the plastic canvas yarn. Bind these fibers down where the thread base ends (part way around the hook bend). Advance the thread to behinf the wing post and then hang the bobbin in front of the post, out of the way.
Attach a hackle pliers in line to the free end of the yarn. Twist the yarn in a counter-clockwise direction until it is tight. If you ease the pull on the yarn it should furl.
Wind the yarn around the hook shank in touching turns until the yarn is just at the wing post base. Secure the yarn by bringing the bobbin back from its resting place and make two tight turns. place the hackle pliers on the far side of the hook and allow the yarn to unwind. Do not trim the yarn.
The abdomen should be slim, well segmented and have a slight taper, becoming slightly larger as it nears the wing post.
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