This was one of the most enjoyable and rewarding improvements of all. How to make a ring flash without a flash. I had seen someone that made a ring light for a drill press using LEDs arranged in a circle that would clamp to the quill of a drill press to provide shadowless lighting. It occurred to me that, utilizing the anti-shake in combination with a circle of LEDs, I didn't need the flash, only the light. Some poking around on the net and I found a place that sold just what I needed.
All I had to do was figure out how to mount the ring to the camera. One of the really fun things to do is try and find a simple solution rather than immediately firing up the lathe and using up some of the stock of plastic or aluminium on hand. There's nothing like branding yourself as a kook tnen to walk the asiles of the local grocery store with a vernier calipers in hand and start measuring various containers. What I came up with was this:
Thank you Pillsbury!Just right, and with a pre-made cover for the LED ring too! Empty the contents, whether you use them or not is your decision, wash, a bit of scissor work and:
Here's the assembly complete with a simple voltage regulator. I elected to use two standard 9v batteries in sreies as a power source, with a wall wart as an option. The voltage regulator is an inexpensive and readily available LM317. I did mount it on a heat sink as I anticipated that, being as I am, I might accidently walk away with with the power on.
Here's a picture of the camera with the new LED ring attached. The batteries are enclosed in the black project box with a switch and a long wire with a simple plug jack to attach it to the voltage regulator.
It works great! But it looks like I've violated my original requirement #1, easy to transport to meetings and I still had to hand hold the background in one hand and the camera in the other. Back to the drawing board.